

Case 1

Patient came because he was very unhappy with his existing crowns. They were uneven and had poor color match.

He also complained of ‘dark triangles’ between his teeth.

He had missing upper right incisor and a central incisor that required extraction due to caries.

First, the tooth was extracted and both implant sites were grafted.

A transitional temporary bridge was prepared during the healing phase.

Six months later, single implants were placed and immediately temporised again, to help form the gum tissues around the implants.

Three months later, full ceramic final crowns were placed.

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Case 2

Patient had lost her upper front incisor due to failed root canal and recurrent infection ultimately causing bone loss.

The tooth could not be saved and had to be extracted.

Following extraction, the site was grafted to preserve the bone and replace what had been lost.

Six months later implant was placed.

After a period of temporisation, final crown was fitted.

Patient had a high smile line so it was very important to achieve natural gum line and shape.

Patient was very happy with the final results.

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Case 3

Patient had few remaining lower teeth and an ill-fitting partial denture.

She had great difficulty eating and continued to lose bone from the denture.

Following a 3-Dimensional computer assisted planning, patient’s lower teeth were extracted, five dental implants placed immediately, and then restored with a fixed prosthesis- All on the same day.

Following three months of healing, a final lower fixed prosthesis was delivered.

This is a hybrid prosthesis which is easy to clean, comfortable and strong to eat with, and looks great revealing her new smile.

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Case 4

Case 4 Problem: Loss of 15 and 16 due to advanced decay. Utilising treatment: two single implants and crowns.

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Case 5

Full mouth of failing teeth treated with revolutionary same day dental implants and immediate fixed teeth.

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Case 6

Problem: Minor Misalignment. Chipped teeth. Irregular tooth sizes. Mismatched and dark tooth colours. Utilised treatment: Porcelain veneers.

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Case 7

Problem: Overlapping of upper front teeth. Old discoloured composite fillings. Utilised treatment: Porcelain veneers.

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Case 8

Problem: Misalignment and discolouration. Utilised treatment: Porcelain veneers.

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